How to Analyse Unstructured Data for Assignments? Know Inside!

Intense research is the first step toward a perfect data analysis assignment. Every point in the paper can be delivered properly if you take care of research. Many students fail to secure even average marks in the  data analysis assignments  because of poor research .    Data analysis is a vital thing for effective research. It is because then, you can decide which is correct for your paper and which is not. The analysis of unstructured data is difficult, and many students fail in it. Read the types of unstructured data and know-how to analyze them .   List of Unstructured Data   1. Emails:  It comes under unstructured data because you have to check which information is crucial for you. From the list of the emails in your mailbox, not all emails are vital. You have to search using a keyword according to your need.   2. Customer Feedback:  This is the best way to collect data. But still, you need to analyze which feedback is vital and which is not. For this, you can use some selec

Role of Cryptography in Computer Engineering: Know All About the Techniques

Security is a crucial aspect of data communications and computer networking. Computer engineering assignment writing help students understand the different implementations of security concepts in the field.

We bring to you this article that highlights the importance of and the ideas behind computer network security.

Cryptography in Network Security

Security in networking depends primarily upon cryptography. Cryptography can provide several aspects of safety during data transfer, such as:

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Authentication
  • Non-repudiation of messages

Cryptographic techniques and their implementations are a complicated aspect of network communications. Most students need expert computer engineering assignment writing assistance while dealing with the underlying algebraic concepts of cryptography. 

The simple idea behind cryptography is the encryption of plaintext into encrypted ciphertext.

1. An encryption algorithm carries out this transformation before the data is sent on its way to the destination. 

2. A decryption algorithm then decrypts the message once it reaches its destination. 

3. Encryption and decryption algorithms are referred to as ciphers. And the key is the set of numbers that ciphers rely upon for encryption and decryption.

Cryptographic measures in security

1. Ensuring message confidentiality using symmetric and asymmetric -key cryptography

Keeping transmitted messages confidential involves the sharing of a session key between the receiver and the sender. This session key is exchanged between two users via symmetric-key cryptography. The same symmetrically encrypted session key encrypts and decrypts information.

Thus, there is always a risk of a security breach in case of a compromise.

Asymmetric-key cryptography overcomes this limitation by generating two keys, one public and the other private. The public key is used for encryption and is declared publicly. The private key helps decrypt the data.

2. Maintaining message integrity using fingerprinting

In networking, a message and the message digest pair help preserve its integrity. The hash function is a unique function that creates a compressed image of the original message. This is the message digest or fingerprint that needs to be kept secret.

The digest or Modification Detection Code (MDC) is created on the sender’s side and is sent alongside the message. To check for message integrity, the receiver utilizes the hash function again, runs the received message through it, and then compares the generated digest with the received digest. 

3. Checking message authentication using MAC

MAC or Message Authentication Code helps determine the authenticity of a message. The simplest version of generating a MAC is by sharing a symmetric key between two users and implementing a keyed hash function.

Digital signatures are a prevalent method of authentication today. Data and its signature are sent as separate documents for subsequent verification.

4. Preventing message repudiation via third parties

A trusted third party is a good mediator in cases of message repudiation or other breaches of security.

And, with that, we wrap up this short article. Go through it thoroughly to understand the critical nuances of cryptography and network security. Study hard and in case of any nagging problem, seek assistance from trusted computer engineering assignment writing services on the Web.

Summary: Security is a critical aspect of computer networking, and cryptography forms its core. This article highlights the essential functions and implementations of cryptography techniques to help students in their computer engineering assignment writing.


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